Vervology Insights 05/09/2023

Strengthen your digital strategy with our fresh insights.

Hi reader,

A question we often get asked is, “is blogging even relevant anymore?”

And look, we get it. Some people think blogs are a thing of the past, and that they should focus their digital marketing efforts on social media instead.

But we’re here to tell you that blogs are not dead. In fact, using blog posts for content marketing can transform your business!

Learn all about it in this week’s featured posts (linked below.) Happy reading!

And as always, thanks for trusting us as your go-to digital marketing source.

The Vervology Team

Must-Read Insights: Our Top Blog Picks

Are Blogs Dying? The Truth about Blogging in 2023

Despite the vast changes in the digital landscape, blogs are still a pillar of any successful content strategy. That being said, it's important to approach blogging strategically and consistently…

How to Find Blog Topics for Your Business

With so much content available online, it can be challenging to come up with fresh topics that will capture your audience’s attention. The good news is that finding relevant and engaging blog topics is possible with a bit of research and creativity…

Understanding Consumer Behavior: What Small Businesses Should Know

Imagine having the ability to predict your customers’ needs and desires even before they become aware of them. Understanding consumer behavior is key to a successful digital marketing strategy…

What’s New with Vervology

Goodbye Website Spam: Introducing Turnstile, Our Powerful New Tool

If you’re tired of dealing with spam on your website, we've got some great news! We’re now implementing a powerful new tool called Turnstile across all of our clients’ websites.

This innovative solution offers a more user-friendly alternative to traditional CAPTCHA methods, allowing you to keep bots and other spammy traffic at bay without sacrificing the user experience. With Turnstile, you can rest assured that only real people are accessing your website, helping to protect your online presence and safeguard your business.

This Week’s Partner for Success

Reflections Management and Care

This week’s featured Vervology client is Reflections Management and Care, founded by Lindsay Kratzer. This compassionate senior care management team assists seniors and their loved ones in making the best decisions for their well-being. With their extensive knowledge and experience, they're able to provide families with long-term care arrangements, everyday issue resolution, and senior care advocacy.

Lindsay has dedicated her career to working with seniors, helping them maintain independence in their homes and finding effective long-term solutions for them and their families. We're proud to partner with Reflections Management and Care and support their important work in the community!

Vervology’s FAQ Corner

This Week’s Client Question:

What image sizes should I use when sending images for my website content?

Vervology’s Answer:

For the best image quality, we recommend using images that are as big as possible! Small images can become pixelated and lose resolution when displayed on web pages or blog posts.

For featured images on web pages, a size of 1200 x 627 pixels is ideal. To check the size of an image, just right-click on it and select "Properties." Alternatively, you can use a free online tool like Pixlr or Canva to resize your images to the appropriate dimensions.

Have any questions about Vervology, digital marketing, running a small business, or any other related topics? Send us your questions at [email protected] or reply to this newsletter, and we'll be sure to answer them!